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You might have some questions.

Maybe you are thinking, “Cat, what do you do?” or “How do you help people?”

If that’s the case, you’re in the right spot.

I help you run professional, engaging and seamless live virtual workshops, webinars and courses.

Let’s be honest: the status quo stinks.

So many virtual events are dry, boring, or poorly run.
Even if we like the person leading the call, our attention wanders and we start multi-tasking.

We can do better. So much better.

level up your virtual presentations

I teach concepts and skills within the 4 parts of my virtual presenting framework.


Define success and get clear on your intent & messaging.


Identify core content and how to support understanding.


Choose your presenting format, set-up and technology.


Attract & maintain audience attention while building trust.

I encourage you to start small, get comfortable, then add more (if you like). Everything I teach is a skill or concept I learned one step at a time.

Choose one aspect of virtual presenting you want to improve without worrying about anything else until you feel ready.

Explore YouTube Tutorials

Ready to move beyond YouTube tutorials?

Check out the Work With Me page for current products & services.